*All stated procedures and modalities are subject of change without prior notice
9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m
arrival of the teams
Group stage
(90 games overall)
within the groups each team plays two sets against each opponent

final stage
(overall 36 games)
round of 16
a1 1st group A vs. 8th group B
a2 1st group B vs. 8th group A
a3 2nd group A vs. 7th group B
a4 2nd group B vs. 7th group A
a5 3rd group A vs. 6th group B
a6 3rd group B vs. 6th group A
a7 4th group A vs. 5th group B
a8 4th group B vs. 5th group A
places 17-20
a9 9th group A vs. 10th group B
a10 9th group B vs. 10th group A
v1 winner a1 vs. winner a8
v2 winner a2 vs. winner a7
v3 winner a3 vs. winner a6
v4 winner a4 vs. winner a5
f1 winner h1 vs. winner h2
h1 winner v1 vs. winner v4
h2 winner v2 vs. winner v3
place 5-8
game for 3rd place
f2 loser h1 vs. loser h2
games for places 5-16
p5 winner h3 vs. winner h4
p7 loser h3 vs. loser h4
p9 winner h5 vs. winner h6
p11 loser h5 vs. loser h6
p13 winner h7 vs. winner h8
p15 loser h7 vs. loser h8
h5 winner v5 vs. winner v8
h3 loser v1 vs. loser v4
h4 loser v2 vs. loser v3
place 9-12
h6 winner v6 vs. winner v7
place 13-16
h7 loser v5 vs. loser v8
h8 loser v6 vs. loser v7
places 9-16
p17 winner a9 vs. winner a10
p19 loser a9 vs. loser a10
games for places 17-20
v5 loser a1 vs. loser a8
v6 loser a2 vs. loser a7
v7 loser a3 vs. loser a6
v8 losera4 vs. loser a5
Startberechtigt ist jede Person ab dem Alter von 10 Jahren.
Das Turnier findet bei jeder Witterung statt. Wir (Verein "Mölkkings") behalten uns jedoch das Recht vor, die Veranstaltung wegen sicherheitsgefährdenden Ereignissen und Einflüssen (wie z.B. höherer Gewalt, Terror usw.) a) unmittelbar vor Beginn abzusagen, b) Änderungen am geplanten Spielplan vorzunehmen oder c) während der Veranstaltung abzubrechen. Die einbezahlten Startgebühren werden in den beiden letztgenannten Fällen nicht rückerstattet.
Die Vergebung der Startplätze erfolgt nach dem "First come, first served"-Prinzip. Sobald sich 20 Teams angemeldet haben, werden alle weiteren Interessenten auf die Warteliste gesetzt und bei etwaigen Absagen sofort informiert. Sollten sich weniger als 20 Teams anmelden, würde dies zu kleinen Änderungen des Spielplans führen. Das Format (Gruppenphase dann KO-Runde) bliebe aber in jedem Fall erhalten.
Die Bezahlung der Startgebühr in Höhe von 30 EUR/Team ist am 27.05.2017 zwischen 09:00 und 09:30 beim Turnier-Info-Point (siehe "Spielort") in bar durchzuführen.
Die Teams können bis zum Turnierstart am 27.05.2017 um 09:30 Änderungen hinsichtlich ihrer Teammitglieder durchführen. Damit soll gewährleistet werden, dass Teams auch im Falle von etwaigen, kurzfristigen Unpässlichkeiten einzelner SpielerInnen planmäßig am Turnier teilnehmen können.
Die Teilnahme erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr.
Der Veranstalter haftet nicht für Sach- und Vermögensschäden.
Für Sach- und Personenschäden, die der Teilnehmer/die Teilnehmerin verursacht, ist die Haftung des Veranstalters ausgeschlossen.
Eure bei der Anmeldung angegebenen Daten (es wird lediglich nach dem Teamnamen, den Vornamen und einer E-Mail-Adresse gefragt) werden von uns gespeichert und zu Zwecken der Durchführung und Abwicklung der Veranstaltung verarbeitet (z.B. Ergebnislisten, Spielstatistiken, Aufnahme in den E-Mail-Verteiler) .
Wir werden euch nach der Anmeldung E-Mails mit nennenswerter Updates zum diesjährigen Turnier bzw. nach dem Turnier Informationen zu kommenden Ausgaben davon auf die angegebene E-Mail-Adresse schicken. Mit einem Mail an moelkkings@gmx.at könnt ihr euch natürlich jederzeit aus dem E-Mail-Verteiler löschen lassen.
Die TeilnehmerInnen erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass die im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Teilnahme am Turnier gemachten Fotos und Filmaufnahmen (z.B. wir planen, das Finale zu filmen) ohne Anspruch auf Vergütung verbreitet, veröffentlicht oder verwertet werden können.
Anmeldebestimmungen (Stand: 13.02.2017)
Vielen Dank für eure Aufmerksamkeit!
Durch Klicken des folgenden Buttons bestätigt ihr, dass alle Teammitglieder diese Teilnahmebedingungen akzeptieren.

9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
group stage
- payment of the registration fee at the info-point
- each team has to collect their tournament documents at the info-point
- opportunity to warm up
- 'welcoming words from the organisers
- within the groups every team plays two sets against each opponent
- the 'right to start a set' changes; 'who begins first' is going to be specified for each game
- there are no referees within the group stage, i.e. the teams are responsible for the compliance with the rules
(of course, if you need help to clarify a debatable situation, you can ask one of the main referees)
- after each game the scorecards have to be signed by both teams and brought to the info-point
how the rankings affect the final stage of the tournament
- ALL teams are qualified for the 'round of 32'
- the group results determine the fixtures of the 'round of 32' (1st group A vs 8th group B, etc.)
the ranking is based on the following criteria
1. number of sets won
2. point difference
3. direct comparison
4. Mölkk-Out (see 'tournament rules')
timetable for the group stage
9:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.
10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.
11 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m
12:30 p.m. - 1 p.m.
1 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
1st round
2nd round
3rd round
4th round
5th round
6th round
7th round
8th round

2:00 p.m. to appr. 8 p.m.
final stage
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
lunch break
from 3:00 p.m.
'losers' knockout stage ('best-of-3')
the following applies to all games of this stage
- the right to start the 3th SET will be determined by FLIPPING A COIN!
- there are no referees; if you need help to clarify a debatable situation, you can ask one of the main referees
3:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.
round of 16 ('best-of-5')
the following applies to all games of this round
- the right to start the 5th SET will be determined by FLIPPING A COIN!
- there are no referees; if you need help to clarify a debatable situation, you can ask one of the main referees
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
quarter-finals ('best-of-5')
the following applies to all games of this round
- the right to start the 5th SET will be determined by FLIPPING A COIN!
- there are no referees; if you need help to clarify a debatable situation, you can ask one of the main referees
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
semi-finals ('best-of-5')
the following applies to both semi-finals
- the right to start the 5th SET will be determined by
- there is one referee per game
from 6:00 p.m.
game for 3rd place ('best-of-5')
the following applies to this match
- the right to start the 5th SET will be determined by
- there are two referees
from 6:30 p.m.
finale ('best-of-5')
the following applies to this match
- the right to start the 5th SET will be determined by
- there are two referees
2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
round of 32 ('best-of-5')
the following applies to all games of this round
- the first-mentioned team (i.e. the better ranked team after the group stage) has the right to start the first set. Thereafter, this right alternates for ALL SETS (including the 5th)
- there are no referees; if you need help to clarify a debatable situation, you can ask one of the main referees
from 8 p.m.
prize-giving and having last drinks together

Everyone who is at least 10 years old is eligible to participate in the tournament.
The tournament is going to take place in all weathers. However, the organiser ('Mölkkings') reserves the right a) to cancel the event, b) to adapt the schedule
c) to discontinue the tournament in case of imminent danger (e.g. force majeure, terror, etc.). With regard to b) and c), the registration fees would be
The teams register on a 'first come, first served' basis. After the registration of 20 teams we will put any further interested team on the waiting list. If there were less than 20 teams registered, we would adjust the schedule adequately. The format (group stage and, thereafter, final stage) would remain unchanged.
The registration fee (30 EUR/team) has to be paid in cash at the tournament-info-point (see 'venue') on 27th May 2017 between 9 a.m. and 9.30 a.m.
The teams are allowed to replace their teammates until the beginning of the tournament on 27th May 2017 at 9:30 a.m. in order to give every team the opportunity to participate especially in the event of possible last-minute indispositions of their players.
The participation is at the participants’ own risk.
The organiser does not assume liability for a participant‘s health risks in connection with his or her participation at the 'Wiener Steckal Werfen'. It is the participant’s responsibility to obtain a medical assessment of their state of health before the competition.
The organiser is not liable for material damages or property loss.
The organiser is not liable for material and/or personal damages caused by participants.
Data given at registration (we only ask for a teamname, first names and an email-address) are saved and processed for the purpose of the realisation and handling of the tournament (e.g. publishing the results and statistics; mailing list).
We will send you noteworthy updates and information about this year's tournament as well as about future editions thereof via email. If you like to unsubscribe from the 'Wiener Steckal Werfen'-mailing list, you can do that any time by sending us an email to moelkkings@gmx.at.
The participants agree that photos and videos (e.g. we plan to film the finale game) taken/made in connection with his or her participation in the competition can be distributed, published and used without any entitlement to compensation.